"The Shōwa era refers to the period of Japanese history corresponding to the reign of Emperor Shōwa from December 25, 1926 until his death on January 7, 1989. It was preceded by the Taishō period." -Wikipedia
Year | Local year | Age | Ganzhi | Zodiac |
1954 | Showa 29 |
71 |
ko (kinoe) uma |
Horse |
1955 | Showa 30 |
70 |
otsu (kinoto) hitsuji |
Goat |
1956 | Showa 31 |
69 |
hei (hinoto) saru |
Monkey |
1957 | Showa 32 |
68 |
tei (hinoto) tori |
Rooster |
1958 | Showa 33 |
67 |
bo (tsuchinoe) inu |
Dog |
1959 | Showa 34 |
66 |
ki (tsuchinoto) i |
Pig |
1960 | Showa 35 |
65 |
ko (kanoe) ne |
Rat |