"Reiwa is the current era of Japan's official calendar. It began on 1 May 2019, the day on which Emperor Akihito's elder son, Naruhito, ascended the throne as the 126th Emperor of Japan. The day before, Emperor Akihito abdicated the Chrysanthemum Throne, marking the end of the Heisei era." -Wikipedia
Year | Local year | Age | Ganzhi | Zodiac |
2056 | Reiwa 38 |
-31 |
hei (hinoto) ne |
Rat |
2057 | Reiwa 39 |
-32 |
tei (hinoto) ushi |
Ox |
2058 | Reiwa 40 |
-33 |
bo (tsuchinoe) tora |
Tiger |
2059 | Reiwa 41 |
-34 |
ki (tsuchinoto) u |
Rabbit |
2060 | Reiwa 42 |
-35 |
ko (kanoe) tatsu |
Dragon |
2061 | Reiwa 43 |
-36 |
shin (kanoto) mi |
Snake |
2062 | Reiwa 44 |
-37 |
jin (mizunoe) uma |
Horse |