"The Heisei era is the period of Japanese history corresponding to the reign of Emperor Akihito from 8 January 1989 until his abdication on 30 April 2019. The Heisei era started on 8 January 1989, the day after the death of the Emperor Hirohito, when his son, Akihito, acceded to the throne as the 125th Emperor." -Wikipedia
Year | Local year | Age | Ganzhi | Zodiac |
1997 | Heisei 9 |
28 |
tei (hinoto) ushi |
Ox |
1998 | Heisei 10 |
27 |
bo (tsuchinoe) tora |
Tiger |
1999 | Heisei 11 |
26 |
ki (tsuchinoto) u |
Rabbit |
2000 | Heisei 12 |
25 |
ko (kanoe) tatsu |
Dragon |
2001 | Heisei 13 |
24 |
shin (kanoto) mi |
Snake |
2002 | Heisei 14 |
23 |
jin (mizunoe) uma |
Horse |
2003 | Heisei 15 |
22 |
ki (mizunoto) hitsuji |
Goat |